Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Library 2.0 and Web 2.0

I believe libraries have to be "human". What I mean is, it is essential to have the "human contact". For example, I really enjoy the face-to-face contact with my patrons/customers, to find out what books they have read, how are their grandchildren or kids, how did the recipe go in the latest cooking book they borrowed, etc. etc....

Don't get me wrong, I truly embrace the web, it has been truly fantastic, with my daughter's homework, with our overseas travel etc. and the fun I have experienced. Everything is just a 'key-stroke away!

Learning 2.0 has opened huge areas of the web I didn't know about, from tools, to concepts and ideas, it has been a rewarding experience. I highly recommend that Learning 2.0 be part of the new staff induction program, allowing librarians/officers to embrace Web2.0 tools to better service/help our patrons. But don't forget the 'human' side, being caring, friendly and welcoming.

1 comment:

RowdyLibrarian said...

You are so right about the 'human element' Mary. I think we need to keep in mind that not all of our patrons are interested in new technology! We need to look after those people also.